More than 120,000 youth participate in the 4-H Food & Nutrition Project, learning how to prepare nutritious and safe meals and snacks and adopt behaviors that can help reduce their risk for chronic disease.
Project Opportunities include:
4-H Food & Nutrition Contest Information:
4-H Food Show
Contest Highlight:
The Food Show allows participants to prepare a recipe at home and bring the day of the contest. Participants present the prepared dish to a panel of judges with a presentation and interview to demonstrate the knowledge and skills they have gained in their Food & Nutrition project.
- Practice and know recommended food preparation skills including food safety.
- Understand connection of recipe to MyPlate food category.
- Learn the nutrients in your dish and food category and the health benefits they provide to your body.
- Explore the bounty of Texas grown and produced foods.
2024 Young County Food Show Contest
Young County 4-H Food Show Rules & Guidelines for 2024 can be viewed HERE.
Registration Deadline: Friday, October 4, 2024.
How to register: To register please submit your recipe information into the Young County Food Show Registration & Recipe Submission Form HERE.
Date of County Contest: Sunday, October 13, 2024
Location: Tentatively-St. Mary Catholic Church-Graham
Registration Fee: $5.00
- All youth must be enrolled 4-H members and must be academically eligible to participate
- Food Show contestants will prepare their dish at home and bring it to the contest ready to present. Remember you only need to bring 1 serving to contest with you.
- Rules for county contests will follow Young County 4-H Food Show Rules & Guidelines.
2024 District 3 Food Show Contest
Event Information
Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Registration Deadline: November 04, 2024 on 4-H Online (TENTATIVE DEADLINE. Ask Extension Office for confirmation date after September 1, 2024.
District Details: Food Show (
Wichita Falls, TX
Food Challenge
The 4-H Food Challenge is a “highly charged” foods experience. This contest, modeled after such competitions as the Food Network’s “Iron Chef,” challenges teams of 4-H members to create a dish using only a predetermined number of ingredients. From these ingredients, team members must identify and prepare the dish, then make a presentation about it to the judges. The presentation will include information about the serving size, nutritional value, and cost of the dish. The 4-H Food Challenge allows 4-H members to demonstrate their culinary and food safety skills to judges and observers.
- Provide an opportunity for each participant to exhibit their knowledge and skills when preparing and presenting a dish.
- Provide an opportunity for each participant to learn from other team members and to promote teamwork.
- Empower youth to participate in a public speaking role.
- Provide leadership opportunities for youth.
- Give 4-H members the opportunity to participate in a new exciting 4-H opportunity.
2024 Young County Food Challenge Contest
Young County 4-H Food Challenge Rules & Guidelines for 2024 can be viewed HERE.
Registration Deadline: Friday, October 4, 2024. To register please call the Young County Extension Office at 940-549-0737
Date of County Contest: Sunday, October 13, 2024
Location: Tentatively-St. Mary Catholic Church-Graham
Registration Fee: $5.00
- All youth must be enrolled 4-H members and must be academically eligible to participate
- Food Show contestants will prepare their dish at home and bring it to the contest ready to present. Remember you only need to bring 1 serving to contest with you.
- Rules for county contests will follow D3 contest guidelines
State Healthy Lifestyles Invitational
The 4-H Healthy Lifestyles Invitational provides youth in the intermediate and senior age divisions the opportunity to participate in a competitive event and utilize the knowledge and skills gained through participation in 4-H healthy lifestyles programs. With a set-up similar to the Consumer Decision Making Contest, the healthy lifestyles invitational consists of two parts: (1) Judging – participants will be presented with a scenario and must individually rank the four products/choices based upon the situation at-hand; (2) Presentation – teams are presented with a scenario and must work together within a given amount of time to analyze the situation, develop a solution and make a team presentation to a panel of judges.
Nutrition Quiz Bowl
A Quiz Bowl helps 4-H members enhance and demonstrate their knowledge and skills in a competitive setting. The Quiz Bowl involves teams of three or four members. Two teams compete against each other at one time, answering questions related to the subject matter with the use of an electronic buzzer system.
Healthy Lifestyles Sweepstake
The 4-H Healthy Lifestyles Sweepstakes provides an opportunity for youth, volunteers and County Extension Agents interested an opportunity to work together for additional recognition at Texas 4-H Roundup. Points for participation, and additional points for contest placing, will be given for each healthy lifestyles related contest. The county with the most points will be awarded the Healthy Lifestyles Sweepstakes! More information about this award is in the Texas 4-H Roundup guide.
Leadership Opportunities
Healthy Lifestyle Ambassadors
The Texas 4-H Youth Development Program is offering youth the opportunity to serve as Healthy Lifestyle Ambassadors. Applications are currently being accepted with a due date in the Spring of each year. The purpose of the Healthy Lifestyles Ambassador Program is to promote the purpose and goals of the 4-H healthy lifestyles program, provide leadership to educational events through the implementation of healthy living programs, including Fuel Up To Play 60. More information about the ambassador program is included with the application.
4-H Health & Safety Officer Handbook
Youth have the opportunity to serve as a health and safety officer within their 4-H club, ensuring 4-H members understand the importance of good health and safety by leading health or safety related activities. A handbook is available to assist officers in planning and recording activities.